Coming together for the well-being of your child

Mum and teenage son together

PDA Talk's Key Services

Support Counselling

Support Counselling is primarily for parents, guardians and extended family. I work with individuals and couples, neurotypical and neurodivergent alike. LGBTQIA+ clients are welcome here.

What does a typical session look like?

The approach I offer is individualised and tailored to your needs and preferences. How each session is used will depend on where you are in the PDA journey, the areas you are seeking support with and your preferred learning style. I can provide structure to the sessions; we can go with the flow or mix and match as suits.

If you are new to the PDA profile, we might begin by filling gaps in your knowledge. This could include looking at the key components of a PDA approach, prioritising expectations, adjusting communication style, responding to meltdowns, sibling relationships, school accommodations and many other topics. Those further along in their PDA journey might prefer to delve into day-to-day issues as they arise or work through significant decisions.

Along the way, clients benefit from an opportunity to process their own emotions and the varying impacts of supporting a PDAer. The power of having your story witnessed and validated should not be under-estimated.

Support Network Consultations

At your request, consultations can be arranged with members of your child’s support network. This may include support workers, teachers, allied health professionals or others who are working towards your child’s well-being and are open to learning about PDA. Your presence is welcome at these consults. This service is offered to existing clients only.

What does a typical consult look like?

Each consult varies according to the unique needs of your child and the support network member. It could take the form of a chat introducing PDA, alongside an opportunity for questions. In other instances, there may be discussion and brainstorming of specific difficulties through a PDA lens. Or perhaps the team working with your child, meet on a regular basis and would like to bring a PDA perspective into their ongoing dialogue.

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

How It Works

Initial consultation provides an opportunity to tell your story in a safe and non-judgemental space. I learn about your child, whilst you share what you are hoping to achieve from our sessions. We then move into regular appointments.

Clients tend to begin with 8 -10 sessions of Support Counselling. Some decide to continue indefinitely with regular, but less frequent check-ins. Support Network Consultations can be requested along the way.


  • Initial Consultation (90 mins) $234
  • Support Counselling (60 mins) $156
  • Support Network Consultation (60 mins) $156

PDA Talk is based online so you get the support you need, no matter where you are in Australia.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

A Neurodiversity Affirming Approach

What Is This?

PDA Talk is a neurodiversity affirming practice. I believe there is a natural diversity amongst human brains. This belief influences my practice in many ways.

Rather than offering a ‘one size fits all’ approach via a course or workshop, I acknowledge that each child has their own unique characteristics and strengths. I gently support adults to adjust the environment to suit their child. This contrasts with a therapeutic approach that attempts to change the child, shaping and moulding them into a ‘correct’ brain. Such modalities are ethically unsound and incredibly harmful to the child’s developing emotional and mental wellbeing.

I listen to neurodivergent voices. I continuously reflect on my practice through regular supervision. I remain open to suggestion as to how I can better meet the diverse needs of my clients. I am an autistic counsellor and identify strongly with the PDA profile. PDA Talk is listed with the Divergantz Collective Community as a Neurodivergent Affirming Provider.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Can I Use It?

NDIS funding can be utilised in accordance with plan goals for Self and Plan Managed clients. Sessions are billed under Counsellor as Parent/Guardian Counselling or Support Network Consultations.

The most appropriate NDIS Funding Category is Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living (your LAC, Support Coordinator or Plan Manager may be able to suggest alternatives).

The fee of $156 per 60 minutes is in accordance with the following NDIS Price Guide Line Items:

Early Childhood Supports (younger than 7)

  • Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living 15_606_0118_1_3 Early Childhood Supports – Counsellor

Therapy Supports (7 or older)

  • Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living 15_043_0128_1_3 Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training – Counsellor